Results and Achievements

Striving for Excellence

Our educators provide a caring and dynamic learning environment dedicated to the promotion of resilience, talents and attributes of every individual in their quest for personal excellence. We believe it’s more than excellence in a test or exam, it’s reaching for new heights, striving for personal excellence and reaching goals with self-confidence and dedication.

Celebrating Student Achievement

Student achievements, talents and skills are often celebrated in assemblies through awards and acknowledgements. We nurture the diverse qualities and support the development of confidence so that each member of our community can strive for personal excellence.

A balanced education is not possible without engaging the head, heart and mind. Our outstanding achievements reflect our holistic approach to learning, placing Faith as a highly performing South Australian College.

2024 Year 12 Results

Faith Lutheran College congratulates all students on their achievements and commends the dedication and commitment evident in reaching such high academic standards. The results reflect the students’ hard work as well as the unwavering support of teachers and families, whose contributions have been integral to their success. The College provides Year 12 students the opportunity to undertake 5 SACE subjects, encouraging a broad range of learning experiences to develop knowledge and skills across various fields. This approach ensures that students are well-prepared for the future, ready to take on the world with confidence and capability.

Key Highlights of the 2024 Year 12 Results:

  • 100% of eligible students achieved their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
  • 4 students achieved an ATAR over 95 (4.9%*)
  • 12 students achieved an ATAR 90 and above (14.6%*)
  • 25 students achieved an ATAR 80 and above (30.4%*)
  • 99.8% of all subject scores were either in the A, B or C bands
  • 2 students were awarded merits
  • Music Explorations – Reo Gerhardy
  • Information Processing and Publishing – Doris Radocaj

*82 students were eligible for an ATAR and percentage has been calculated by this number

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